This application is designed to aid you in preparing for short cases in the FRACP Clinical Examination. The two main tabs are:
Interactive examination checklists
Examination videos


These are designed to be the ideal examination to yield short cases findings in each system. The app has been programmed for each systems examination so that a timer automatically starts when you start checking items off the list. It tracks the order you examine in and allows an observer/examiner to flag certain points for feedback later.

The get the most out of this app we suggest:
  1. See patients in groups of two or three, with one person keeping time and score on the checklist
  2. Enter the candidate's name so that progress can be tracked across time
  3. Flag points in the examination where the candidate's technique needs commenting on during the examination
  4. Tap 'finish' at the end of the session to see a detailed summary of time taken, percentage of exam done correctly and in order, and any 'flags' to address with feedback


You need an Internet connection to view the examination videos for each system.


The 'Account' tab contains data from all previous examinations tracked by your device. You can use this to track your progress in different systems over time.

We want to hear your feedback, as it will allow us to improve the app for future use. Please take a moment to send us any feedback/thoughts by email. Alternatively, you can take a short feedback survey here.